
We offer a range of tools and solutions to ensure that your strategy is serving your business objectives.

Business strategy evolves

No matter what stage of the business life cycle you’re in, you have a strategy. Business strategies are not static and some strategies are more clearly defined and better articulated than others. Strategies need to be tweaked and updated from time to time to keep pace with the changing marketplace. At MarketVigor, we offer a range of tools and solutions to ensure that your strategy is serving your business objectives.

Business Strategy

MarketVigor will review your business strategy and provide you with a written assessment of how well it aligns with your business objectives. We focus on evaluating the target market, customers, and your competitive position, and review how your business is perceived online–including mobile devices.

Digital Strategy

MarketVigor will work with you and your team to develop or update your digital strategy. Deliverables include reviews of your website and social media presence, and a competitive review. We’ll help guide your success with a customer journey map and roadmap recommending future digital capabilities.

Marketing Strategy

MarketVigor marketing strategies focus on achieving closed-loop marketing success. The first objective of the strategy is to engage with prospects across multiple channels and convert them into customers. The next objective is to convert customers into evangelists and brand champions.

Social Media Strategy

MarketVigor works with clients to assess their current social media presence and craft a strategy. The strategy defines what a business should be doing on social media channels, the value they can expect from their efforts, and the time and resources needed to achieve the expected results.

Marketing Execution Plans

MarketVigor utilizes our P.L.A.N. model to work with clients in crafting multi-channel go-to-market plans. We develop plans that outline target audiences, messages, offers, and tactics, aligned with channels. We also provide corresponding timelines and key performance indicators for measuring success

Customer Analyses

When MarketVigor clients seek to better understand their customers, we analyze their existing data, survey their customers, and can optionally augment the data to develop profiles. This allows us to see which customers are the most profitable and calculate customer lifetime value.

Don't let your strategy go stale!

Contact us for a FREE 30-minute consultation.